A collection of liturgical materials from different parts of the world and an overview of variety of activities at the occasion of Season of Creation is offered at Season of Creation
Order of Service for the Ecumenical Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation 2018 “Your fruit comes from me” Arbeitsgemeinschaft Christlicher Kirchen in Deutschland e.V.
Taste, fühle, begreife – SchöpfungsZeit 2018 oeku, Switzerland (in German)
Eucharist and Laudato Si': Liturgical Resources to Celebrate a Catholic Season of Creation During September Charles Rue, Columban Mission, Australia
A Catholic Season of Creation: Liturgical Resource St Columbans Mission Society, Australia
Worship Material for Creation Time 2018 of the Eco-Congregation Scotland
For the Created World in Community ("Közösségben a teremtett világért") Materials for the Celebration of Creation Time 2018 (in Hungarian)
Naturschutz und Religionen. Projektwoche in Osnabrück 2-9. Sept. 2018. Abrahamisches Forum in Deutschland e.V. (in German)
Jahrbuch Ökologie 2017/2018. Abrahamisches Forum in Deutschland e.V. (in German)
Sustainable preaching ("nachhaltig predigen") Zentrum Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung
Creationtide resources will include new morning, evening and all age liturgy; harvest calendar of actions and prayers for each day; promoting harvest services through 'A Church Near You'. Church of England
Operation Noah has just launched a new study guide called Tenants of the King. The four part series is intended to help individuals, small groups and churches reflect on the challenges of a changing climate, what the Bible has to say about climate crisis, and how Christians can respond with hope. The resource pack includes study guide booklets, video interviews and leaders' notes.
Tearfund has produced a set of resources for churches to hold a 'Light Service'. This is a whole service, or shorter section within a service, that is focused on clean energy and its potential to help people out of poverty without damaging creation. Resources include ideas, activities, liturgy and prayers to help churches show solidarity with people who don't have access to electricity, raise awareness, and enable people to take action by calling on the World Bank to invest more in off-grid renewable energy.
A Rocha UK is developing resources for a Green Communion as part of the Eco Church resources. These include liturgy, readings and prayers, as well as a recipe for Communion bread from one of the Eco Church gold award holders.
Resources for use in worship in the Irish churches during Creation Time 2018. Eco-Congregation Ireland